Chalimbana: A Special Construction Project
The Chalimbana Local Government Training Institute in Zambia stands as a remarkable exemplar of a sustainable and self-sufficient urban enclave. With a masterplan geared towards enhancing the quality of life for students and academic staff alike, the campus embodies a harmonious blend of low-tech construction and high-tech design principles.
Employing innovative techniques, such as utilizing locally-sourced clay soil to fashion bricks for passive cooling and heating of buildings, the project epitomizes eco-consciousness. The strategic orientation of structures, coupled with specially designed roofs, harnesses solar energy effectively. Furthermore, meticulous attention to detail ensures that rainwater and treated sewage replenish the local groundwater, fostering a closed-loop water system.
In reimagining campus connectivity, the existing vehicular access road is complemented by a newly established pedestrian thoroughfare, serving as the vibrant nexus of the institute. Anchored by residential quarters to the north and educational facilities to the south, this central artery fosters a sense of community, with enclosed student housing blocks fostering intimate living spaces adorned with inner gardens.
The CLGTI project stands as a testament to sustainable urban planning, where environmental stewardship and human well-being converge seamlessly.